Sunday, November 19, 2023


Mise en scene refers to everything that is visible to the camera, including the lighting, performers, sets, and props. These components provide a feeling of place and time while also establishing an atmosphere, which aids in communicating the vision of a film. A character's mood can be implied by the Mise-en-scène, which can use bright colors to show feelings of  happiness or darker colors to suggest sadness.

Mise-en-scène also refers to the composition, which is the director and production designer's supervision of the actors' and objects' placement and movement within the frame. Before production starts, the director, actors, and crew work together to make sure that the Mise-en-scène matches the movie perfectly. 

Some examples of Mise-en-scene in film:


Home alone 2 (1992)

Men in black 3(2012)

Preliminary Exercise 9: Practicing Camerawork: Shot Sizes, Camera Angles, Framing, and Camera Composition Day 2

 Filming is a shooting in the actual setting the story takes places rather than in a studio, cinematography is the art and technology of motion - picture photography, the person who is responsible for this task is also known as the director of photography and the one responsible for the filming of a scene.

A famous cinematographer is Roger Deakins, two of his films are "blade runner 2049" and "1917" he's the recipient of five BAFTA awards for best cinematography , and two academy awards for best cinematography  

Preliminary Exercise 8: Practicing Camerawork: Shot Sizes, Camera Angles, Framing, and Camera Composition Day 1

Camerawork sets and supports the overall look and mood of a film's visual narrative, the major categories that i consider when planning are high angle shot, low angle shot, close-up shot, and extra close up

shot sizes in film  is the size of the frame relative to its content, camera angles are dictated by where the camera is placed in relation to the characters or subject, framing is the way elements are arranged in the frame and composition is the arrangement of visual information within a camera frame.

examples for composition are the placements of the various components within the frame and in relation to one another on screen, an example of a frame can be as simple as a shoot through a doorway, an example of camera angles in fil can be a establishing shot and finally an example of a shot size can be an extreme wide shot.

whos responsible for camerawork on a film's production is the cinematographer, a famous cinematographer is Emmanuel Lubezki, two examples of his films are "A little princess" and "Birdman", he's also the first cinematographer to win three consecutive academic awards 

In order to enhance storytelling you need to develop camerawork skills.

Reflection paragraph

 During day 2 storyboarding I learn more in depth about the different angles and shots and how to better and more confidently work with them and point them out (see them in a movie) thanks to the amount of times that I've seen this different camerawork i was able to find it easier to tell.

Because i was the only person working on this project i do think i accomplish the goal for the assignment even though due to the fact that im a beginner it might need some work which i can better in the future with more practice to make my movie later on, i was also doing the planning, the research, and the drawing by myself but thanks to the tools that i used like google, word, and YouTube i was able to find stuff easier and quicker.

I predict that in a few months with hard work and discipline im going to be able to better my techniques and release a better job when it comes to defining and showing examples of different angle shots and different shots in general. 



Day 2 
The goal for this assignment is for me to be able to well explain and give examples and definition of camerawork in popular films, the preparation for this assignment was made throughout research, researching popular movies and its scenes (im the only person that worked on this assignment) as a beginner, i used word and other tools like google to make the research, also YouTube, thanks to this exercise i was able to define and point out different camera work like the different angles and shot sizes.   

What is genre?


Monday, November 6, 2023

Storyboarding Camerawork


This storyboarding camerawork exercise helps me understand, identified, and get familiar with camerawork (like shot sizes, camera angles, framing, and camera position) it also helps me get better at it and practice for when I'm ready to create my movie later on, it doesn't only show me how to differentiate them, but it also gives me ideas of scenes that i can recreate or mimic from the paper. this can help me creativity wise due to the fact that i can brainstorm ideas and angles starting from now for the movie.