Sunday, November 19, 2023

Reflection paragraph

 During day 2 storyboarding I learn more in depth about the different angles and shots and how to better and more confidently work with them and point them out (see them in a movie) thanks to the amount of times that I've seen this different camerawork i was able to find it easier to tell.

Because i was the only person working on this project i do think i accomplish the goal for the assignment even though due to the fact that im a beginner it might need some work which i can better in the future with more practice to make my movie later on, i was also doing the planning, the research, and the drawing by myself but thanks to the tools that i used like google, word, and YouTube i was able to find stuff easier and quicker.

I predict that in a few months with hard work and discipline im going to be able to better my techniques and release a better job when it comes to defining and showing examples of different angle shots and different shots in general. 

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