Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Preliminary Exercise 13 introduction to sound film


Sound and film adds contextual information and sets the right tone or theme for each scene, when you watch film you hear different types of sounds effects or music, things like sound support the genre, setting, and characters in the storytelling of film by establishing the mood and things like the atmosphere in the film, this adds things like context and tone, the sound is also really important because it makes the audience look at the film with more appealing eyes,

Score: ______/20marks


Meaning and example

Sound in film

Films are produced using three types of sounds: human voices, music, and sound effects. These three types of sounds are crucial for a film to feel realistic for the audience

Sound engineer

1.    a technician dealing with acoustics for a broadcast or musical performance. Example-

Digital sound software. Acoustics


a recording of the musical accompaniment to a movie. Example- the soundtrack may feature music that was not recorded for the film but fits its overall mood and tone


provide a means to orchestrate multiple modalities in the creation of expressive works of art and performance. Examples- The score comprises several orchestral, instrumental, or choral pieces

Incidental Music

music written to accompany or point up the action or mood of a dramatic performance on stage, film, radio, television, or recording

Theme music

a song or melody strongly associated with someone or something example- the first four notes of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5

Sound effects

·         a sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, movie, or other broadcast production. Bats or birds flying: Leather or rubber gloves flapping, or an umbrella being opened and closed rapidly.



conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie example- They hung their head and mumbled, “It is fine if you do not want me to come.

Ambient Sound

the background or surrounding noise present. Example- rainfall, thunder, crickets, or birds


a piece of narration in a movie or broadcast, not accompanied by an image of the speaker.

Section B: Becoming a sound engineer. Identify the types of sounds to support each theme.


What types of sound would you select to support the visuals in the introduction to movie set at a Cabin/The Woods?

1.    A Cabin/The Woods (Horror)



(List 6 words used to describe this music)

Ominous, Eerie, suspenseful, scary, spiritic, intense

Sound Effects

(List 10 effects)

Door/floor creaking, rat crawling, knife scraping, Whispers, Ghost sounds, screams, bones breaking, jumps scare sounds, bleeding, dripping


(List 4 lines or words used in popular movies to support your answers.)

Do you want to play a game – Saw

What's your favorite scary movie – Scream

Here’s Johnny – the shining

ITS ALIVE - Frankenstein



2.    Basketball Game (Teen Drama)



(List 6 words used to describe this music)

Upbeat, happy, supportive, positive, possibly romantic, suspenseful

Sound Effects

(List 10 effects)

Sneakers squeaking on the court, swish of the ball through the net, buzzer signaling end of quarter, crowd cheering, referees whistling, dribbling sounds, coach's instructions, basketball bouncing, timeout buzzer, scoreboard buzzer indicating a point.


(List 4 lines or words used in popular movies to support your answers.)

"Pass it to me"

" love you"

"How did you miss that bucket"

"Who's number 11"

“Pass it to me”

“I love you”

“How did you miss that bucket”

“Who’s number 11”






3.    Urban City Scene (Triller)



(List 6 words used to describe this music)

·         Serious

·         Intense

·         Suspenseful

·         Loud

·         Fast-paced

·         Impactful

Sound Effects

(List 10 effects)

·         Footsteps

·         Talking

·         Train engine

·         Plane

·         Car horns

·         Money change

·         Chair

·         Water drip

·         Whistling

·         Mice


(List 4 lines or words used in popular movies to support your answers.)

o    "You can run, but you cant hide" - FNAF Movie

o    "Get over here" - Mortal Kombat

o    "Look behind you" - Don't Look Behind You
"It's not over" — The notebook

·         “You can run, but you cant hide” - FNAF Movie

·         “Get over here” – Mortal Kombat

·         “Look behind you” – Don’t Look Behind You

·         “It’s not over” – The notebook


4.    Car Chase (Action)



(List 6 words used to describe this music)

a muted pulse with drum machines,  needle drops, calm, loud, hectic

Sound Effects

(List 10 effects)

Police sirens, Engines, screeching tires, horn honking, metal crunching, shattering glasses, gunshots, revving motorcycles, helicopter blades chopping, explosives


(List 4 lines or words used in popular movies to support your answers.)

“drive”, “hold on tight”, “We’ve got company”, ”step on it:



5.    Friends chilling at the park (crime)


(List 6 words used to describe this music)

Progressive, impatient, paranoic, oversuspicious, mistrustful, abrupt

Sound Effects

(List 10 effects)

People laughing

Tension building up

Phone notification

Typing noise

Bird noises

Tree noises

Gound sounds

People commenting

Birds flying



(List 4 lines or words used in popular movies to support your answers.)

“Say hello to my little friend”-Scarface

“Do you wanna play a game?” -saw

“i don’t wanna be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me “-The departed

“i coulda been a contender” -On the waterfront (1954)



In this excersie i learned the different types of scenarios, sounds, and words in film while also working with different themes and creating my own one, one of my team mates defined and made an example of the words while the rest of my group and i worked on the scenarios of each theme, my personal thought about my work and my teammate's work is that we did a good job and we elaborated and constructed the subject well.

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